

Children of all ages are welcome in our worship. For parents who choose, nursery care is offered during the 10:00 a.m. service for young children through 4 years of age. All attendants have had satisfactory background checks and their references have been verified. Also all are certified in the Diocese of East Carolina “Safe-Guarding God’s Children” training. For more information, ask an usher.

Children's Chapel

The Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) was established in 1885 in The Episcopal Church and is the only Spiritual Order for lay women in the Episcopal Church. It is a group of women, trying to implement confirmation their vows to “pray, work and give for the spread of Christ’s Kingdom” by becoming members of a spiritual Order for lay and adopting a Rule of Life based on Prayer and Service. The St. Andrew’s chapter was established in October 2016. The DOK meet once a month to replenish their commitment and add prayers for those who have requested. If you have a special prayer request, please feel free to confide in either Deacon Carol Eaton, Emily Roderick, Kim Livingston, or Kit Williamson. The DOK members will be praying for you daily.

Children in Worship Services

We love all our children here at St. Andrew's and we encourage participation of children during the services. Children can be acolytes and lay readers.