Fall Work Day – Nov. 23rd 8am – ?
Join us for a churchwide work day on November 23rd. Coffee and donuts will be served at 8am, but feel free to join us anytime that day. Lunch will also be provided by the church.
No matter your age or ability level, we have ways for you to give back to the buildings and grounds that host our church family and ministries. Jobs include administrative work like checking volunteers in, cooking and serving the volunteer’s meals, cleaning the buildings inside and out/top to bottom, garden and lawn care tasks, replacing light bulbs, and hanging drywall.
We ask that those who sign up for the cleaning crew to bring your own brooms & dustpans, rags and cleaning supplies such as Windex, Swiffer dusters, etc.
For those working outside, please bring rakes, shovels, clippers, trimmers, chainsaws, power washers, etc. If you would like to plant some winter blooming flowers, like pansies, feel free to bring those too.
For those doing maintenance and repair work, please bring ladders, extension cords, and the tools needed for your task.
Sign up here!